Friday, March 6, 2015

First world problems?

These were taken from a Toys R Us back in summer of 2014. Last month, the Lego Fireman was still there.

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And now for what I really want to talk about. :P I'm finding that I'm taking more stuff than I can process whether it be buying toys and eroge or deciding what anime to watch. There's simply too much stuff I want to play or watch. So I'm going to have to painfully hold myself back on each of those fronts until I'm at a more comfortable state. It'll be easier said than done since I still intend to get the TFs I really want but the rest of the stuff (outside of what I've already pre-ordered) should hopefully be skippable. I've been busy updating my foreign purchases through MFC and it should be relatively close to a complete look at my current collection.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I lose steam too easily. I get an idea, prepare to write about it, get distracted, then lose the idea or the inspiration to write it. I fail at life.

One of the anime I've been catching up on is Idol Master. Just watched episode 20 and I saw a bit of myself in Chihaya when she withdrew from everyone. Unlike Chihaya however, I didn't have a Haruka to turn me around and ultimately I pretty much clawed myself out of that darkness. Probably because of that, I seem to have a somewhat of a "twisted" personality. Of course, I try not to let that show very often, lol.

imas 20 chihaya 02e

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