Saturday, October 17, 2020

Misc TF toys...

Today's post is for multiple figures because there's only a few photos for each one. I didn't feel like they needed that much pics.

 Beast Hunters Night Shadow Bumblebee. It's a recolor of the deluxe class Beast Hunter figure. He looks okay but not really a fan for some reason. Looks better than the regular version though.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Titan Changer Optimus Prime and Megatron

From the Authentics line. Titan Changer Optimus Prime and Megatron, each sold separately.

Optimus and Bumblebee has had a bum deal with Authentics. They tend to have the worst designs of the time and the same can be said with Titan Changers. I skipped BB because his transformation is the most simple and obvious.

The back looks pretty bad and I'm afraid it's the same across the board for the first wave. Only articulation are the ball joint shoulders.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Transformers Generation Roadbuster

Voyager class Roadbuster from the Thrilling 30 series IIRC. The original toy it's based on had a ton of guns and stuff on it and this guy is no different. Here he is without all that stuff though.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

TF Last Knight Steelbane

Deluxe Steelbane from Transformers The Last Knight movie line. His alt mode is a winged drake.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

TF Titan Returns Quake

Deluxe class Quake from Titan Returns. This is a retool of Hardhead from the same line. Normally I don't get retools of toys I already got unless I never got the original. In this case, I did have the original but I got this guy anyways because I like how he looked (and he was cheap enough at the time).

Being from Titan Returns, Quake's head transforms into a Headmast-ahem, Titan Master. Apparently, his name is Chasm; not that it matters to me.

Tank mode. Chasm can either ride from the cockpit in the back or in a hidden seat at the rear of the main cannon.

Robot mode. His face gives him a hotshot-rookie sort of look. The "I will be your evil rival whether you like it or not!" type of character.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Universal Unit Gundam GP01fb ver. B

I've opened this up maybe 2-3 years ago but it's only now that I'm actually putting this together. This Bandai shokugan is called Universal Unit. It's hard to define this because it's part pre-assembled, part putting together yourself. 

The standard selling blurb I guess? I remember back in the 80's when all we had was a little sticker sheet to decorate a shokugan model that was entirely a single color. How times have changed.

The line up. Each model have 2 variations in the included weapons except Wing Gundam. The one I'm working on is GP01fb B version which includes a long rifle and a (unmentioned) beam saber.

Package contents.

Instructions are printed inside the box.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Cu-poche Frame Arms Girl Baselard

This is something from a while back. Cu-poche Frame Arms Girl Baselard. This is her without her weapons rack on.

With her headdress; it attaches magnetically. She comes with 2 faceplates, normal and mouth open smile.

Baselard with her weapons backpack.

Backpack also allows her to fly.

She can also hand-wield the side-mounted rifles. The full-armored FAG Cu-poche is a good way to collect FAG if you don't want the hassle of building Kotobukiya's plastic models and don't mind the SD-aesthetic. However, there's only a limited amount of figures; all of them from the anime. Baselard also have a "Bare Body" version, basically her without the armor. You can get close with the full armor version but you can't remove the boots so those who want the "bare leggings style" should go with that version instead. That version also has more face parts.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Age of Extinction Voyager Drift

From the toyline for Transformers Age of Extinction, voyager class Drift. This is actually a remold of Skyhammer from the TF Dark of the Moon toyline so the vehicle mode looks nothing like the Drift's helicopter mode in the movie.

Rear view. You'll notice the rotors have a slight curve. Part of that might have to do with how the rotors stow away in robot mode.

Robot mode. Even with that funky looking Drift head, he still looks pretty badass thanks to the mold he's based on.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Transformers Prime Wheeljack

This time we have a double sword wielder, deluxe class Wheeljack from Transformers Prime.

Never got into watching Prime so not sure of Wheeljack's character but looks like they gave him Drift's sword and called it a day.

Wheeljack has no elbow swivel no wrist swivel so his posing ability with his swords is severely limited compared to voyager class Drift which we'll look at a bit later. Not exactly a fan of him so he'll go into my junk pile.

edit 8/17: There was supposed to be a post on voyager Drift but somehow they got moved around and this Wheeljack came out early. So some parts of this post probably didn't make sense until today's edit.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Kancolle Kashima figure from Sega

Today, we look at another crane game figure. This time it's a Kancolle Kashima crane game figure from Sega. Kashima is one of those god-tier character design. She looks really lovely compared to her fellow ships. Like Yamato from last time, she is also serving up something for her commanding officer.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Kancolle Yamato figure from Taito

So today we're going with something a bit different: a budget figure of Kancolle Yamato from Taito. Kancolle, as most people likely know, is a browser game featuring battleship girls who fight against a mysterious alien armada from the deep sea. This figure is a crane game figure, something you're supposed to win with luck and skill in one of those arcade crane games. But a lot of us would rather just fork over the money and be done with it so a lot of these figures can be found on various markets outside of the Japanese arcade nowadays.

Despite the glowing reviews on Amazon, this is very much a budget figure and it shows. Those of us who own more pricier figures should definitely be able to tell.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Hunt For The Decepticons voyager Sea Spray and scout Breacher

This is gonna be a slightly bigger than usual post. We have scout class Breacher and voyager class Sea Spray, both from Transformers Hunt For The Decepticons toyline. Reason I'm throwing them into one post is because they're designed to work with each other but we'll get to that later. As you can see, they are very different in design style so it's interesting that they are part of the same toyline.

First one we'll get to is Sea Spray. Guy has a definite scuba diver motif going on with his robot mode complete with flippers and other scuba gear inspired elements. His guns shoot harpoon style missiles but I can't find them at the moment so you'll have to use your imagination. :P

Back view. He's even got the air tank thing going on.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Predacons Rising Abominus set

Roughly a week ago, I found the Transformers Prime Predacons Rising Abominus set under my bed. So I promptly opened it up and did a quick one. Apparently Abominus is the combined form of these 5 Predacons we see here. This is a legion class combiner btw so they're small. We'll go over them later.

I'm gonna start right away with the big guy himself. Abominus has trouble standing straight due to the way his legs are. They get in each other's way and so there's no way for Abominus to look good on the shelf. Frankly he's just a bonus mode.

A somewhat better angle and look here.

And a look at his back side. However you look at him, he looks like a mess. No proper arms and legs.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Transformers Siege Apeface

Voyager class Apeface. This guy is a Titan Master Triplechanger. Yup, not only does he have 2 alt-modes but his head also turns into a tiny robot as well as the core of the head for one of his alt-modes.

 Like Springer, this guy was also a pain for me to figure out. His overall transformation is easier to remember than Springer but there are certain parts where you have to know where to apply force and where to work things in.

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