I washed the Daiba Minato cover and filled it with the Sears body pillow and a 20x28" pillow bought from Target. I was originally going to use a smaller pillow but it turned out the body pillow filling can be squished higher making the top fill out more but at the cost of having the body pillow take up less space in the cover. It's hard to tell from the picture but the 2nd pillow starts from the knees down. I'm happy with the way the cover is filled out but the 2nd pillow is much stiffer than the body pillow so I'm going to switch it out for something softer.
I built the first of the MiniPla. It was easier than I thought. You can pretty much twist the pieces out by hand and then use a model knife to shave off any sprue that sticks out too much. Next will be Grinder.
I decided to keep Tsugaru for now. If I get another EX, it would be Waffebunny and she would be my last EX. I'm on the fence on getting the upcoming Shinki figures; they've gotten rather expensive.