I got this about a couple weeks ago but being busy and lazy at the same time, put off posting the pics of it until now. It is Acchi Muite Koi, my first eroge preorder from Sofmap! I've been wanting eroge preorder goods for a long time now so it's very good that I can now preorder them. This post is slightly NSFW but you shouldn't be browsing this blog from work anyways. :p
Game box. Eroge boxes tend to come in a variety of sizes depending on the maker. This one seems to be on the smaller end which suits me just fine although I may end up just throwing out the box anyways for reasons I'll get to in a bit. Inside is a plain black and white instruction pamphlet and a survey card, neither of which is of much use.
DVD case. Lots of eroge usually comes in a plain clear CD case so this was nice. What made it real nice though was that the maker preorder bonus are a set of DVD jackets with a main heroine on each one of them plus a bonus one determined by an online poll. The bonus turned out to be of Anju, a supporting character who's a trap. Inside the case is the game disk and soundtrack disk.
Lovely trap is lovely and in ecchi wedding dress no less.
Telephone card. This alone makes this purchase worth it. I've been wanting an eroge telephone card ever since I first learned they were giving telephone cards with most of the eroge preorders so many years ago. I now finally have one, yay!
Drama CD. Apparently it's ecchi.
A clear shitajiki. Didn't come out that well. It looks good if you have it on a white surface but any other surface, it comes out not looking so good. Kinda disappointing especially since it features the game's 2 traps, Mae and Anju.
Some pics of the other DVD jackets. I just realized I took a pic of all the jackets except Runa's; her's was by far the least interesting to me so I passed. ^^;
Next eroge purchase will be Para-sol. Looking forward to that one since it'll come with a dakimakura and a mousepad. I might also get Otoboku 2 although still slightly on the fence on that one.
I want it! @_@