Saturday, April 25, 2020

Be politically active part 2

I just realized that I never did make my point in my previous post. That's what happens when you make a post late at night. 😂😂😂

What was my point again? Oh yes, why you should vote or at the very least, influence those who can. By not voting, you're essentially letting others choose for you and most importantly, you lose the right to bitch about the results because you weren't a part of that process. Anyways, something to chew on. If you're not in the US or someplace where the voting is rigged (like Russia 😜), this don't apply to you.

I'm thinking about outright dumping some of my toys. I'm kinda in spring cleaning mode but due to the coronavirus, there's not going to be much takers for my junk. So I may just donate or throw away the stuff I don't want to keep. I definitely have way too much stuff. 😅😅😅


  1. Of course I understand your points XD let's drink some kool-aid to celebrate :P i heard bleach also works XP

    Well To be fair no one on earth and of course no single politicians that able to properly handle this pandemic situation, people behavior not helping it too ... and in political news any democratic country, many politician start withdrawing from any election(from as low as major candidate to president candidate) seems they also afraid to handle what come after this pandemic recession of course.

    1. I totally get your point in that nobody is going to handle this pandemic situation perfectly, that's understandable. However, there is a line that can't be crossed such as ignoring the country's top health experts in favor of pursuing your own political agenda which our president is prone to do time and time again. Trump is a special kind of dumbass who doesn't exactly hide that fact. What's amazing is that there are people in my country that are willing to put aside all common sense and vote for the bastard all in the name of supporting their political party (even if that political party has done nothing close to what they should have been doing).

      BTW, I'm not a fan of Kool-Aid. I will take the bleach though. Let's party! 😆😆😆


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